Common Threads Project

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Finding Connection

For many survivors of Boko Haram, social rejection and stigma continue even after they’ve made it to safety. This was the case for Safiyah,* who like many in her community, faced unimaginable challenges in her journey to recovery.

But in a Common Threads Project healing circle, she was able to find connection and confidence in her voice.

While at first, she was hesitant to participate, with encouragement from the program facilitators she began taking part in the group’s activities and connecting with others.

“Through creating story cloths, I found a way to express my feelings and share my experiences. It has given me confidence and hope for the future. I feel connected to my community and know that my voice matters.”

Safiyah’s not the only one.

Right now, across Nigeria, nearly 70 other survivors are experiencing the same formation of community and sense of expression. They join a growing network of other CTP participants who’ve sewn their stories and found solidarity through the program.

* Pseudonym used to protect anonymity