Washington Post article on Common Threads Project Some trauma really is unspeakable. So these women are sewing their stories, instead. Read More Projects, PressCommon Threads ProjectNovember 27, 2019Nepal, Ecuador, DRCComment
Video: Dr. Rachel Cohen on the Common Threads Approach from South Kivu, DRC Projects, VideosCommon Threads ProjectOctober 11, 2018DRC
Workshop brings together survivors from around the world to join forces to end wartime sexual violence WorkshopsCommon Threads ProjectOctober 10, 2018Denis Mukwege Foundation, Geneva
A Global Movement by and for Survivors of Sexual Violence and Conflict in Geneva ConferencesCommon Threads ProjectJune 27, 2018Denis Mukwege Foundation
Sew to Speak: Story Cloths in Human Rights and Healing Practices ConferencesCommon Threads ProjectSeptember 1, 2014